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中国内地的学校,如对Navicat学术伙伴计划有任何问题或兴 趣,请联系上海卓威信息科技有限公司(Navicat中国)。

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最新加入的 Navicat iOS,现提供给所有 PostgreSQL 用户

香港 — 2015年1月20日 — Navicat 在这天发布了 Navicat iOS 的第二个产品 - Navicat for PostgreSQL。它是市场上最实惠的产品之一。现在,在 App Store 提供给所有 PostgreSQL 用户。Navicat for PostgreSQL 的 iOS 版本旨在满足广泛的智能手机用户的需求,让他们能够在 iOS 设备上管理 PostgreSQL 数据库,在世界各地都能即时访问查询。


卓软数码科技有限公司的行政总裁连先生表示:「我们开发产品的目的是因为我们绝大多数的客户都拥有一部智能手机。而现在只需 19.99 美元,他们就可以在便携设备上使用卓越而极为用户友好的界面来管理数据库。」「我们为 PostgreSQL 用户整合桌面版本到移动版本,提高整体的可用性和用户体验。


从今天开始,PostgreSQL 数据库管理员能从 iPad 和 iPhone 中访问和管理数据。无论在办公室内或外,Navicat for PostgreSQL 能确保任何时候你都能掌握你的数据。


关于 Navicat iOS
Navicat iOS 持续在 iOS 设备开发 Navicat。目前支持两种数据库, 包括 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL。


关于 Navicat
Navicat 开发了主流的数据库管理和开发软件。其中一个首屈一指的产品 Navicat Premium,能让你在单一软件中访问多逹六种数据库,包括 MySQL、MariaDB、SQL Server、SQLite、Oracle 和 PostgreSQL,减少工作流程中断,从而节省用户的时间,提高生产力和效率。


卓软数码科技有限公司是一家总部设在香港的跨国公司,成立于 1999 年,并在多年来开发了许多屡获殊荣的产品。


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Navicat 版本11.1 带来了新功能— Navicat Cloud,令Navicat使用者保持高效率。有了全新的Navicat Cloud 服务,使用者可以同步你的连线设定、模型、查询和虚拟群组到云端。这样你就能随时随地实时存取他们。有了Navicat Cloud,云端服务的整合式登入系统,使用单一的Navicat ID,就能快速简易地转换装置。你可以善用一天中的每分每秒,以最大限度提高你的工作效率。

我们现在提供150 个免费的储存单位给每个客户,客户也可以在不久将来升级至专业计划,这方案让你同步5000 单位到Navicat Cloud。如欲了解更多新功能的资讯,请点击:


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Navicat Version 11正式发布

今天我们非常高兴向您宣布 Navicat version 11正式发布!版本11的发布标志着Navicat将为资料库专家的工作带来一个更快,更简单的方法。

Navicat 版本 11 带来了多項改進和新功能,滿足你管理數據庫的需求。有了全新的介面,Navicat为你提供了一个新的方式来管理你的数据库。它令你的工作更有效率,更容易。

Navicat 11新增功能:

- 原始64-bit 版本
- 全新设计的用户介面
- 同一时间多重变更
- 智能查找和替换
- 全新的SSH引擎
- 支援Aero Snap 功能
- 超过100个增强功能



Copyright 1999 - 2013. PremiumSoft ™ CyberTech Ltd. All rights reserved
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Discovering the first Navicat title – MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat
PremiumSoft is happy to announce the first publication of a Book on Navicat named, MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat, by PackT Publishing Company.

The publication of MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat, is available as a new book and eBook for developers, which contains tips, tricks and fast-paced tutorials along with complete examples to discover how easy Navicat makes outsmarting the trickiest cases. Written by Gökhan Ozar, This book covers both Mac and PC versions of Navicat, with screenshots detailing differences in performing tasks.

The book is written by Gökhan Ozar, who is an IT professional with both hands-on and outsourcing expertise in the areas of application development, database design, data analysis, project management, systems integration, training, support, and delegation of support.

MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat enables developers to establish and manage complex relationships with visual editors, complex privileges, analyze and repair tables and get the automatically generated SQL. They will also be able to set up servers, establish connections, configure proxies and SSL certificates easily, along with restoring MySQL databases with ease.

This book will not only help readers to design databases, tables, functions and stored procedures through hand coding, point-and-click but also import data or an entire database and export to a different database platform or a plethora of file formats. They will also be able to create visual models and databases from them or just reverse-engineer an existing database into a visual diagram, batch jobs and define automated schedules.

Some of the chapters emphasized in this book are:

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2: Working with Databases

Chapter 3: Data Management with Navicat

Chapter 4: Data Modeling with Navicat

Chapter 5: Database Maintenance and Security Management

Chapter 6: Designing Reports with Navicat

The book is available for sale at PackT online shop:

About Packt Enterprise:

All MySQL books are published by Packt Enterprise. Packt Enterprise is a publishing division of Packt Publishing designed to serve the information needs of IT Professionals in the Enterprise space. Packt Enterprise also publishes on Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Citrix, Java, Amazon, Google and SAP technologies.

About PremiumSoft CyberTech Limited:

PremiumSoft was founded in 1999 and is a fast growing company, aiming at accelerating application development and database management with software that enhance productivity and maximize results of our customers. With our customer-centric focus and best-of-breed products and services, PremiumSoft has been successful in making customers significantly more productive.

Copyright 1999 - 2012. PremiumSoftTM CyberTech Ltd All rights reserved
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